ASM Plays On Words. And Strings.


Our inner wordnerd was overwhelmed by the possibilities for this show title. Therefore, you must fill in the blank to create your own.

Some suggestions (based on "string"):

- strings you along?
- ponders string theory?
- is hamstrung for you?
- is stringer bell?
- pulls the strings?
- is strung out?
- with some strings attached?
- loosens the purse strings?
- strings some music together?

Other suggestions (based on "sextet"):

ASM: ...
- sexteting is totally legal?
- the joy of sextet?
- like that King Crimson record?
- sextet is good for you?
- blows their budget?
- 3 out of 5 are for 6, 1 is for 4, and 1 is for 7?
- safe sextets for your and yours?
- also known as double trios?

Friday, June 13, 2014
8 pm
National Opera Center
330 7th Ave, New York, NY 10001 (1NR to 28th, NQRBDFM to 34th)

Featuring never-before-heard works:

JEAN COOK: Home Suite for string sextet

DAN LASAGA: Heteroscedastic Histritonics for string sextet

PAT MUCHMORE: Fr.เบបឹல்.a–e (aka Fr.BABEL.a--e) for string sextet

KAMALA SANKARAM: 60 Words for string quartet

CHARLIE WATERS: Concertimento #30 for string septet

This program is supported, in part, by public funds from the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs, in partnership with the City Council, and in part with public funds from the New York State Council on the Arts, a state agency. Which is basically to say - your tax dollars at work. Yeah, frightening isn't it?

"What's Pat piece's title? I can't read it."

Past Performances: