ASM Presents Beeferman's Organ Trio

If you're tired of seeing the same old same old, this won't be that. I know, you've seen plenty of chamber music groups with tattoos, wearing combat boots, sporting mohawks, playing in rock clubs, etc. Me too. Y-A-W-N. It's like going to a new restaurant only to find that it's the same menu you see everywhere. BORING.

But this – this will be something else entirely, something new. Something you may THINK you've heard before, but you'd be wrong. And you won't be able to hear it again, either (because such is the nature of improvisation). So I suggest you come out while you still can.

ASM presents
new pieces by Gordon Beeferman for his Organ Trio in celebration of their new release: ORGAN TRIO. With Anders Nilsson, guitar, and Ches Smith, drums.

Friday, 14 June, 7:30 PM
168 7th St., Brooklyn (F/G/R to 4th and 9th)
For a respectable $15

This program is supported, in part, by public funds from the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs, in partnership with the City Council.

ASM Presents: Gordon Beeferman Organ Trio, with special guest Sharon Harms, soprano / Friday June 14, 2019 at 7:30 PM / IBEAM Brooklyn

Past Performances: